Why People Like Mechanical Keyboards
Mechanical keyboards are the primary alternative to your default membrane keyboard and these days are becoming increasingly popular. This is especially true among heavy computer users, who will spend hours a day in front of their computer, and so need the highest quality keyboards.
Cheap Mechanical Keyboards for Programming
Keyboards are the weapons of programmers as their performance greatly depends on this device. A reliable and high-quality keyboard will provide the best programming experience. However, such a mechanical keyboard is expensive, so I’m going to suggest the best cheap mechanical units which are great for programming.
Top 10 Computer Keyboard Brands
Mechanical keyboard. Source: Unsplash. Computer keyboard brands introduce new and exciting models every year. That gives us more choice but also makes it harder to choose the best ones for our click-clacking needs. Let’s go over the best keyboard brands to see why they gained our trust in the first place.
How Long Computer Keyboards Last
Keyboards are a primary input device. We all use keyboards extensively. But how long do keyboards last?
Mechanical Keyboard Switches Comparison Guide (Colors, Types, Brands)
Since the market is saturated with a variety of switches, choosing the right ones for your mechanical keyboard can be overwhelming. Tactile, linear, or clicky – what does this mean exactly and which brand should you trust when purchasing the perfect set of keyboard switches?
Best Keyboard for One Handed Typing
You would never want a medical condition to affect your typing productivity in the job or study. But it happens that a condition like hemiplegia, brachial plexus injuries, broken fingers, or a fractured wrist leaves one arm in a weakened state. In that case, you would need a keyboard that allows typing on one hand without breaking any sweat.
Are Ergonomic Keyboards Good For Gaming: Pros and Cons
Computer gaming is great: it is fun, improves your hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills, and is allowing people to socialize and make friends in new ways with people across the world. It can though have a longterm impact on your hand, wrist, and arm health, which is why many people are turning to ergonomic keyboards.
Are Keyboard Covers Good For Your Laptop: Benefits vs Drawbacks
It seems that there is always a new accessory that you MUST have every month. With all the new products consistently jammed in our faces, it is easy to get cynical about accessories for your laptop. So is a keyboard cover good for your laptop? More importantly, should you get one?
Why a Gaming Mouse Is Worth It: 7 Features and Benefits
You will often hear avid gamers claiming that a gaming mouse is an absolute necessity, and while they can be a little bit over-enthusiastic, they have good reason to. I personally am a big fan of using one, both while playing and for general use, but is getting a gaming mouse really worth it?
What Is an Ergonomic Mouse: Types and Benefits
Most of us use a computer mouse. It is a hand-held pointing device. It detects two-dimensional motion and moves a pointer on the computer screen.