Mechanical Keyboard Switches Comparison Guide (Colors, Types, Brands)
Since the market is saturated with a variety of switches, choosing the right ones for your mechanical keyboard can be overwhelming. Tactile, linear, or clicky – what does this mean exactly and which brand should you trust when purchasing the perfect set of keyboard switches?
Are Keyboard Covers Good For Your Laptop: Benefits vs Drawbacks
It seems that there is always a new accessory that you MUST have every month. With all the new products consistently jammed in our faces, it is easy to get cynical about accessories for your laptop. So is a keyboard cover good for your laptop? More importantly, should you get one?
Keyboard Switches Types: A Complete Overview
A mechanical keyboard uses switches under the keycaps. But all switches are not same. Here is a list of different types of switches.
What Is a Keyboard Tray – Types and Benefits
If you think of a classic office fixture, a keyboard tray is the first thing that comes to mind. Some modern office and home settings may find it too dated but it’s crucial to the ergonomic setup of a workstation.
What Is a Keyboard Wrist Pad
If you work for long hours on a computer, it can cause wrist pain. In worst-case scenarios, it may lead to permanent damage to your wrist muscles and tendons.